5 Engrossing Short Story Collections Written by Women
Features my collection:
The Reluctant Groom and Other Historical Stories.
Well that came out of the blue!
EZVID Wiki Editorial put out a lovely video featuring the works of five women authors. They not only included shout outs to the individual collections, but covered the authors’ backgrounds and other life and writing achievements. Watch here.
When you’re finished don’t forget to check out the authors’ work. Here’s my blurb for Reluctant Groom:
Enjoy historical fiction? Like short stories?
Then dive into this collection of historical shorts by an award-winning author. You’ll find stories of heroism, love, and adventure such as a panicked bachelor faced with an arranged marriage, a man battling a blizzard to get home for his child’s birth, a Viking shield maiden exploring a new world, and a young boy torn between love for his ailing grandmother and duty to an Empress. Whether set in imperial Rome, colonial America, or the ancient African Kingdom of Kush, these stories bring to life men and women struggling to survive and thrive—the eternal human condition.