Guest Post: Loretta Goldberg on “What’s in a title?”

Guest Post: Loretta Goldberg on “What’s in a title?”

Beyond the Bukubuk Tree: A World War II Novel of Love and Loss

BLURB: Two men preparing for war, both with secrets they are determined to keep. Jake Friedman, an idealistic young Jewish doctor from Melbourne, is haunted by the death of a colleague he thinks he caused. Alex Whipple, a Catholic known as Wip, is a soul-scarred veteran of the First World War. Wip is an enigma who fights bullies on behalf of their victims yet has a chequered past in the wild side of post-war Paris that he is determined to forget…This meticulously researched and richly textured novel is set in a lesser-known battle of the Pacific War. The strength of the human spirit, the bonds of love, and the resilience of diverse communities are tested against the backdrop of these battles. “Beyond the Bukubuk Tree” is a gripping saga of courage, love, and survival in the face of overwhelming adversity.

What’s in a Title?

by Loretta Goldberg

Faith, thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to your readers. I’m excited to reach out to new people. I do know that you’re an avid gardener, so I thought this story of the tree might appeal to your readers.

My novel unfolds in the town of Rabaul (New Guinea), which was an Australian mandated territory in 1941. Rabaul presides over the greatest coastal harbor in the Southern Hemisphere. Naturally, it was a prime objective for the Japanese Imperial Forces.

My main character, Dr. Jake Friedman, is an idealistic young Jewish doctor who volunteers for the Army and is posted to Lark Force, the lone, under-resourced battalion defending Rabaul. An elegant colonial capital built by the Germans in 1905, it surrendered to Australia in 1914. Its diverse population of about 5,000 in 1941 included Australian administrators, quite racist in attitude, Chinese merchants and the majority Tolai native farmers, who also worked part time for the Australians. These converging cultures were interdependent but opaque to each other. With the reputation of being the “pearl of the Pacific,” Rabaul nestled then as it does today between green extinct volcanoes, coastal bays, and active volcanoes. One, Tavurvur, erupts throughout the novel.

Jake, while going about his medical duties, soon feels the pull of attraction to a fellow officer, a soul-scarred veteran of the First World War. Alex Whipple is an enigmatic Catholic who fights bullies on behalf of their victims yet has a checkered past in the wild side of post-war Paris he’s determined to hide. Through their developing relationship, readers experiences the deceptively sleepy run-up to war and the horrific Japanese invasion.

Lark Force’s fate is achingly familiar to descendants of those who served in it. I am among them; Jake is loosely based on a relative I never met. But the battles for Rabaul are less known elsewhere. To the best of my knowledge, mine is only the second World War II novel set in Rabaul. Yet it’s an archetypal tale of government abandonment of its own men, a subsequent cover-up, patriotism, love, and heroism. I felt compelled to try to bring my small version of these historic events to a wider audience.

What to call the novel? I wanted a title that said World War II beyond Europe and  theMiddle East.

I first saw a photograph of a bukubuk tree in a history of St. Michael’s Church (Catholic) on Matupit Island, which abuts Rabaul. (They Came to Matupit by Mary Memkis). I was enchanted by its giant, gnarled humped roots above ground, its flaky bark at the bottom and soaring elegance. It felt important. What went past me was where it grew: outside the house of ToMulue and his wife IaDok, who were early converts by a Father Bauman in 1899. ToMulue was a sorcerer and tribal chief (lualua).

I looked up the tree. Burckella obovta is native to Papua New Guinea and Asia, growing in lowland areas with bisexual flowers and an edible fruit.

Beyond the Bukubuk Tree felt like a good title.

On getting a publishing contract from MadeGlobal Publishing, I set off for site visits in Melbourne, Australia (my home town), Port Moresby, Kokopo and Rabaul, Papua New Guinea.

I saw my first bukubuk tree on my fifth Rabaul site tour. At a street market at an intersection named Four Ways, my guide found a landowner who said he had them. We bumped off the main road down dusty tracks and eventually entered a farm with a lot of fertile land, groves of fruit trees, vegetable gardens and several simple buildings. Lush, ample land. I couldn’t help wishing I had some like it. Here is the bukubuk tree.

My guide said that the owner had another bukubuk tree. I swiveled, expecting to see it within a few feet, but we walked for ten minutes across the clearing and houses and into bush. Finally, a second bukubut tree.

“They don’t grow together?” I asked. “Like apple trees or orange trees?”

“No, never.”

I realized I’d missed something important about the tree. My tree book said nothing about growing alone.

Soon after that day, I met Albert Konie, an initiate into the secret Tubuan Society, an expert guide to World War II sites, and curator of the Rabaul Historical Society’s archives in Rabaul. Here’s his explanation.

“The Bukubuk tree grows and stands alone, unlike any other fruit tree. An adult tree stands over 20 meters tall, its branches stretching out like mango trees. The fruit is just amazingly sweet, with a starchy texture. Since Bukubuk trees can reach full height in five years, we often plant the seed, which is hard and shaped like a small brown rugby ball, to mark a place or event with spiritual significance. Tolai myth held that a Bukubuk tree could be inhabited by a Tambaran spirit because the bark is rough at the bottom. Putting the bark on boils and lumps could heal them naturally. Now, people sometimes plant the tree to mark the anniversary of the bringing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to East New Britain Province.”

This brought me back to old ToMulue and IaDok. The bukubuk tree was probably mature when he was a sorcerer, and it was still standing in 1972, when Mary Memkis’ book was published.

To Mulue was an initiate into theTubuan Society, like Albert is today. ToMulue knew the secrets of plants to cure and to curse, a man of power and wealth. Having a bukubuk tree be the prime shelter outside his house had a meaning. In my novel, pivotal moments in my main characters’ lives occur near the tree. Intuitively, I’d written the tree in before my visit. Hearing Mr. Konie explain the dual meaning of the tree was a thrilling confirmation and addition, as I now offer this saga to you, valued readers, to taste.

Thank you all for your time. And thank you, again, Faith, for inviting me into your blog.

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About the Author

Loretta Goldberg writes historical literary fiction with battle scenes. She loves this genre because she finds in history’s frames, where events have beginnings and endings, a magical mirror in which we can see ourselves more fully. Her debut novel, The Reversible Mask: An Elizabethan Spy Novel, won the International Firebird Book Award in Historical Fiction and New Fiction in 2023. It also won a Book Excellence Finalists Award in 2019. Her second novel, Beyond the Bukubuk Tree: A World War II Novel of Love and Loss, won International Firebird Book Awards in 2023 in War Fiction. An Australian-American, she earned a BA (Hons.) in English literature, Musicology and History at the University of Melbourne and resides in NYC and Connecticut.

Loretta at a bukubuk tree.

The Best Books About Awesome Women You’ve Never Heard Of

The Best Books About Awesome Women You’ve Never Heard Of

Well that came out of the blue!

Last summer I received an intriguing invitation to contribute to a new website which featured themed authors’ recommended reading lists on a topic of my choice. Of course I chose “awesome women you’ve never heard of” (unless you haunt my site!) This gave me a chance to promote my favorite research biographies — the ones I used as primary sources for my Theodosian Women series. Check out my contributions with brief reviews here.


five cover images


5 Engrossing Short Story Collections Written by Women

5 Engrossing Short Story Collections Written by Women

5 Engrossing Short Story Collections Written by Women

Features my collection:

The Reluctant Groom and Other Historical Stories.

Well that came out of the blue!

EZVID Wiki Editorial put out a lovely video featuring the works of five women authors. They not only included shout outs to the individual collections, but covered the authors’ backgrounds and other life and writing achievements. Watch here.

When you’re finished don’t forget to check out the authors’ work. Here’s my blurb for Reluctant Groom:

Enjoy historical fiction? Like short stories?

Then dive into this collection of historical shorts by an award-winning author. You’ll find stories of heroism, love, and adventure such as a panicked bachelor faced with an arranged marriage, a man battling a blizzard to get home for his child’s birth, a Viking shield maiden exploring a new world, and a young boy torn between love for his ailing grandmother and duty to an Empress. Whether set in imperial Rome, colonial America, or the ancient African Kingdom of Kush, these stories bring to life men and women struggling to survive and thrive—the eternal human condition.


Stephanie Cowel, author of Claude and Camille: A Novel of Monet, said of the collection: “I was immediately engrossed and wish I could read more of the characters… The periods are terribly alive, the storytelling wonderful.”

A Raggedy Moon Collection Volume #3

Book Review: The Black Count

Book Review: The Black Count

The Black Count:

Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo by Tom Reiss


Blurb: “The Black Count is the remarkable true story of the real Count of Monte Cristo – a stunning feat of historical sleuthing that brings to life the forgotten hero who inspired such classics as  The Count of Monte Cristo  and  The Three MusketeersHidden behind these swashbuckling adventures was an even more incredible secret: the real hero was the son of a black slave — who rose higher in the white world than any man of his race would before our own time.  The Black Count is simultaneously a riveting adventure story, a lushly textured evocation of 18th-century France, and a window into the modern world’s first multi-racial society. But it is also a heartbreaking story of the enduring bonds of love between a father and son.”

My Review


The Count of Monte Cristo, The Man in the Iron Mask, The Three Musketeers, all enduring staples of adventure fiction. They’ve stood the test of time and proudly wear the title “classic.” Who knew the stories were based on the life of the author’s father, a remarkable man born to a minor French noble and a slave woman on the island of Saint-Domingue (Haiti)?

This book won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for biography and richly deserves it for introducing us to the inspiring story of a man who went from slave to General in the French Revolutionary Army. Born Thomas-Alexandre Davy de la Pailleterie; by the time he joins the army, he rejects his father’s name and title (Marquis de la Pailleterie) and takes his slave mother’s name–Dumas. His dispatches from the front are signed simply “Alex Dumas.” He rises through the ranks from private to General and is Commander of the Calvary in Napoleon’s disastrous Egyptian campaign. His adventures and battles are a compelling story all by themselves. But Reiss gives us much more.

While many of us may know the basics of the French Revolution, and some have studied the gory details, this book gives us a new angle. General Alex Dumas reached his pinnacle through his own intelligence, perseverance, personal bravery, and ambition. But he would not have been allowed to during any earlier time in European history. The French who fought in the American War for Independence came back to France with a revolutionary spirit and a thirst for equality–not only for themselves, but all Frenchman, free and slave. They were the first country in Europe to not only abolish slavery, but also to grant full rights of citizenship to “men of color.” Free black men voted in assemblies, studied in elite French academies, fought in integrated military units, and rose to positions of authority and command in the military and government. This expression of egalite and fraternite lasted until Napoleon took power and (with the rich planter class backing him) reversed all those hard-won freedoms and rights.

The third layer to this book is the enduring and loving relationship between the General and his son (who eventually became the novelist Alexandre Dumas). Reiss begins and ends his book with General Dumas’ death and the impact it had on his four-year-old namesake. Throughout the book, he illuminates the real life adventures that inspire the boy, many years later, to immortalize his father in fiction. What I found most sad was that it seemed the son suffered much more harshly for his race than his father. Raised in poverty (Napoleon withheld Dumas’ pension after he died), denied a good secondary education, and taunted by racial epithets during his literary career; Alexandre Dumas rose above all to create enduring and beloved fiction. His martial father would have been proud.

A good biographer presents his subject in the context of the times with lively and engaging writing. Reiss delivers with a well-documented book that pulls at the heart strings while giving us a window into European race relations of the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century and the true stories behind some of the best adventure fiction written. Highly recommended.


The Details:

  • Title: The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo

  • Author: Tom Reiss
  • ISBN-13: 978-0307382467
  • Publisher: Crown/Archetype (09/18/2012)
  • Formats: Hardback (432 pages), paperback, eBook, Audio Book

About the Author

Tom Reiss is an author, historian, and biographer whose work resurrects the lives of brilliant outsiders and rebels in times of global upheaval.

His most recent book, The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo, won the Pulitzer Prize and the PEN Award.

He is also the author of “The Orientalist: Solving the Mystery of a Strange and Dangerous Life,” a finalist for the 2006 Samuel Johnson Prize, and Führer-Ex: Memoirs of a Former Neo-Nazi, the first inside exposé of the European neo-Nazi movement.

His books have been translated into more than 35 languages. Before he supported himself with his writing, Tom worked as a hospital orderly, small business entrepreneur, and an actor in Japanese gangster movies.

Watch Tom Reiss discuss his book in the three videos below:

Book Review: Women Warriors: An Unexpected History

Book Review: Women Warriors: An Unexpected History

Women Warriors: An Unexpected History

by Pamela D. Toler


Who says women don’t go to war?

From Vikings and African queens to cross-dressing military doctors and WWII Russian fighter pilots, these are the stories of women for whom battle was not a metaphor. The woman warrior is always cast as an anomaly—Joan of Arc, not GI Jane. But women, it turns out, have always gone to war. In this fascinating and lively world history, Pamela Toler not only introduces us to women who took up arms, she also shows why they did it and what happened when they stepped out of their traditional female roles to take on other identities.

My Review

Just as Women’s History Month closes for 2019, Women Warriors: An Unexpected History joins my research bookshelf with a handful of academically rigorous books. These books on “women doing unexpected things” include surveys of warrior queens, music composers, mathematicians and philosophers, as well as dozens of biographies of famous, accomplished women. I have several more popular history books on scandalous women, bad princesses, and overlooked scientists. The latter seem to dominate the marketplace. I enjoy their breezy modern take while introducing the reader to (mostly) forgotten women. (Reviews of those books can be found here.)

Needless to say, this was not an “unexpected history” for me—at lease in terms of the female historical figures. From the mythical Mulan to the female Dahomean King’s Guards (likely inspiration for the fictional Dora Milaje personal guards of the Black Panther movie), I was aware of most of Toler’s subjects. What was unexpected—and most welcome!—was the analysis and in-depth research. Unlike most authors of these survey books, Toler is an academic.

Thankfully she doesn’t write like one. Her prose is clear and readable.

Toler organizes her material into eight chapters with titles such as “Don’t Mess with Mama” and “Her Father’s Daughter.” In each chapter she surveys typical women warriors, from across time and cultures, who fit the title. She puts their decision to fight in the context of the times and explores the consequences of taking these dramatic actions. After every two survey chapters, a several-page “Checkpoint” covers a single subject in more detail. Substantial footnotes provide additional information and source references.

Toler concludes her book by asking the question: Are these warrior women “insignificant exceptions”? Most academics and historical military commanders felt so. Modern US military leaders used that to argue against allowing women in combat roles. They argued this at a time when Israeli women were drafted and served with their male counterparts. They argued this long after all female battalions fought in WWI and WWII. They argued this long after Soviet “Night Witches”—an all female bomber squadron (women pilots, navigators, and maintenance crews)—terrorized the Nazis on the Eastern front. Several ex-military women ran for US congress in 2018, highlighting their impressive service records, and many won. The bravery and accomplishments of modern women in combat around the world should forever lay that argument to rest.

Toler answers her own question: “Exceptions within the context of their time and place? Yes. Exceptions over the scope of human history? Not so much. Insignificant? Hell no!”

Highly recommended. Check out Author Pamela D. Toler talking about her book Women Warriors in the video below.

Note: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The details:

  • Title: Women Warriors: An Unexpected History
  • Author: Pamela D. Toler
  • Publisher: Beacon Press (February 26, 2019)
  • Available in: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook
  • ISBN-10: 0807064327
  • ISBN-13: 978-0807064320

Women Warriors cover

About the Author

Armed with a PhD in history, a well-thumbed deck of library cards, and a large bump of curiosity, author, speaker, and historian, Pamela D. Toler translates history for a popular audience. She goes beyond the familiar boundaries of American history to tell stories from other parts of the world as well as history from the other side of the battlefield, the gender line, or the color bar. Toler is the author of eight books of popular history for children and adults.  Her newest book, Women Warriors:  An Unexpected History is due out February, 2019.  Her work has appeared in Aramco World, Calliope, History Channel Magazine, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History and 

Book Review: Leadership in Turbulent Times

Book Review: Leadership in Turbulent Times

Leadership in Turbulent Times


Doris Kearns Goodwin



Leadership in Turbulent Times cover“In Leadership in Turbulent Times, Goodwin draws upon the four presidents she has studied most closely—Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson—to show how they recognized leadership qualities within themselves and were recognized as leaders by others. No common pattern describes the trajectory of leadership. Although set apart in background, abilities, and temperament, these men shared a fierce ambition and a deep-seated resilience that enabled them to surmount uncommon hardships. At their best, all four were guided by a sense of moral purpose. At moments of great challenge, they were able to summon their talents to enlarge the opportunities and lives of others.”

My Review

Team of Rivals coverI really looked forward to this book. I’ve studied leadership—not at the presidential level, but I have worked with several Fortune 50 CEOs and dozens of executives in my professional career. I also taught leadership and change management to ambitious young managers in MBA courses. Effective leadership is key to a company/country’s ability to survive and thrive. In addition, I’ve had an abiding interest in the lives of Lincoln; and Teddy, Franklin, and Eleanor Roosevelt and have read several biographies about them. Although I’ve seen Doris Kearns Goodwin on TV frequently, the only one of her books I’d read previously was Team of Rivals, an 890-page tome about Lincoln’s time in office, which I thoroughly enjoyed. So I looked at Leadership in Turbulent Times from two perspectives: Was it good history/biography? Was it good leadership analysis?

My answer to both questions (with one caveat) is “Yes!” (more…)