Twilight Empress

Theodosian Women #1

“…the book is an addictive, fun, fast read. Justice chooses her key moments wisely, weaving a decades-long narrative about Placidia’s layered life as she rises to eventual leadership.”

—Kirkus Reviews

Dawn Empress

Theodosian Women #2

"I loved the cinematic writing and focused and engaging, one of those novels that will keep fans of historical novels reading through the night."

Readers' Favorite (5-stars)

Rebel Empress

"A truly remarkable heroine in a truly compelling story." -- Stephanie Cowell, American Book Award Recipient, author of The Boy in the Rain and Claude and Camille: a novel of Monet.

Sword of the Gladiatrix

“Readers will care very much about both these women—fans of Roman historical fiction should not miss this title."

— The Historical Novel Society

Selene of Alexandria


“Readers will be captivated. Fans of Gillian Bradshaw’s classic The Beacon at Alexandria may especially enjoy Selene and find a promising new historical novelist who shares the same gift for wonderfully researched, vividly evoked, good old-fashioned storytelling.”

The Historical Novel Society

Alexandria: The Early Years

Alexandria: The Early Years

Alexandria: The Early Years Alexandria has always fired my imagination. It's the setting for my novel Selene of Alexandria. I've written about its Great Library and Cleopatra's Needle, an obelisk from the Caesarian that sits in New York's Central Park. Alexandria is...

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Update on Egypt’s Archaeological Sites

Update on Egypt’s Archaeological Sites

Several weeks ago, I posted about the chaos in Cairo and Alexandria and what was being done to protect the museums. The Egyptian people rose to the occasion and protected their heritage in the cities. But things are looking grim at the more remote archaeological...

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