Twilight Empress

Theodosian Women #1

“…the book is an addictive, fun, fast read. Justice chooses her key moments wisely, weaving a decades-long narrative about Placidia’s layered life as she rises to eventual leadership.”

—Kirkus Reviews

Dawn Empress

Theodosian Women #2

"I loved the cinematic writing and focused and engaging, one of those novels that will keep fans of historical novels reading through the night."

Readers' Favorite (5-stars)

Rebel Empress

"A truly remarkable heroine in a truly compelling story." -- Stephanie Cowell, American Book Award Recipient, author of The Boy in the Rain and Claude and Camille: a novel of Monet.

Sword of the Gladiatrix

“Readers will care very much about both these women—fans of Roman historical fiction should not miss this title."

— The Historical Novel Society

Selene of Alexandria


“Readers will be captivated. Fans of Gillian Bradshaw’s classic The Beacon at Alexandria may especially enjoy Selene and find a promising new historical novelist who shares the same gift for wonderfully researched, vividly evoked, good old-fashioned storytelling.”

The Historical Novel Society

“My Hair!” A Birthday Adventure

“My Hair!” A Birthday Adventure

Yesterday was my birthday and I learned something new. I usually love learning something new. Yesterday’s lesson—not so much. Have you heard of 4DX? Neither had I. Until yesterday. But let me set this up. I have a few modest birthday traditions. I try not to work on...

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How I Die a Dozen Deaths

How I Die a Dozen Deaths

How I Die a Dozen Deaths “How do you think you would do in a battle arena?” When I got this suggested topic, I thought to myself, “Great! Shortest blog post ever—I die!” Then I thought about it and realized there are a few—very few—situations where I might survive....

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Boudica, Warrior Queen

Boudica, Warrior Queen

Boudica, Warrior Queen It’s Women’s History Month and I’ve exhausted my favorite topic of Hypatia, Lady Philosopher of Alexandria. Time to move on to another fascinating woman who has been extensively mythologized: Boudica, Queen of the Iceni (a British Celtic tribe)...

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Writing Process Blog Tour!

Writing Process Blog Tour!

Writing Process Blog Tour! I see these things going around the internet all the time: “Name ten things that no one else knows about you.” “Name five books that changed your life.” AND  “Tap ten of your nearest and dearest to answer the same question.” Shades of chain...

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